Agreements and trust live in the same realm. In relationships, both formal and informal, we make agreements whether we know it or not. For instance, if we don’t discuss the parameters of our relationship with the other person then we are blindly agreeing to whatever they decide. Some areas that we may choose to discuss with our sexual partners is our definitions of monogamy, whether we would use condoms if we step outside of the relationship, our STD/HIV testing history or our window period from the last time we may have been put at risk. Prevention conversations don’t only include the type of barriers that we both like to use, but it could also include the type of squishy that we like to engage in and how we define our relationships. These conversations and adhering to these agreements builds trust in a relationship. It allows your partner to trust your actions, believe what you say, and know that you respect the relationship as you both have defined it. #squishytalk


Original Post: Nov 11, 2015 @ 10:37